Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My bloody non stop-ness

Wow! What a weekend and nearly half my week!
So Saturday was a huge night in the end. The plan was to go bowling but we couldn't get a lane so we just headed down the bay and started off at chalkers. We played pool and drank for a couple hours then it was off to the Dublin pub for drinks. I don't really know what time I got home but at that stage I didn't care what the time was. The next day Lano mentioned that we did 6 Jager bombs on top of all the other crap we drank. I only remember doing 2 so I guess it was a good night.

So as I mentioned I got home somehow at sometime and fell asleep. I woke up at 7:30 am to let the girl in after she finished work. She was tired and I was, well, dead. We both crashed straight away and I don't even think I managed to say anything to her. We woke up at 2:30 in the afternoon and I made pancakes which were awesome. After the pancakes the day definitely slowed down and we both crashed again by about 10:30.

Monday I worked, not real hard but I worked. The job we are doing at the moment seems to involve us not getting much done in a day and Monday was no different. I started taking my antibiotics on Sunday and they didn't really hit me till Monday. I started the day off ok but then it just went down hill. My body doesn't cope well with medication so I pretty much felt like I was going to puke for most of the day. I did 3 times which was quite unpleasant. The funny thing was that everytime I did, me and my dad would both stop, look at each other and he would just cool and calmly say, "You Right?" to which I would reply, "Yea", and the we just got back to work. A weird relationship we have , I know. Last night I talked to cat on the phone for a while because she leaves Thursday and she is on Kangaroo Island so I couldn't go see her then I pretty much just crashed.

Today was just another day really. I was tired because I have been tired a lot lately but my body felt like it was coping better with these tablets I'm taking so everything was peachy. We dug some holes and later in the week will we fill them up again. Its what we do.

We that's it really, this has been the first time I have really stopped since Friday night and so I thought I better update this bad by. I'm still surprised to see all the international visitors I keep getting, and thank you for coming. Hopefully you guys like what you read. Please post comments to let me know where you're from and everything. Also tell me what you think about anything really.
Anyway that's it. Wow maybe the biggest post ever, bye now.


ELENA said...

hello from Greece!!
i like your blog ;) i hope i can visit Australia one day...

CoralPoetry said...

Nice blog. Greetings from the UK


Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.