Monday, August 30, 2010

My Couples Weekend

This weekend was a pretty lazy one. The girl and I did a bit of shopping but mainly just relaxed Saturday. I'm still feeling very average so it was nice to just do nothing. We worked around the house and then enjoyed a really beautiful tea before heading out to the Boho Bar for Erin and Kat's birthday celebrations. There was a big crowd there. Lots of old friends from my school days and also a few guys I hadn't seen for years. One thing I came to realize was that a huge amount of my friends are now in serious relationships. Its bizarre, a couple of years ago Domi and I and one other couple were the only people in a relationship. Our group of friends has always been a single group. Now a days it seems that all but a few have paired up. I guess we really are getting older.

We celebrated again Sunday night with a huge dinner at the Strand for Steve's birthday. Steve is a great friend of mine. We went through school together, played in a band together and have really stuck together through our adult lives. Him and his fiance have just bought a house in our area so its a great time for them. We drank wine and beer and enjoyed good food. The only downer on the night was that when Domi and I got back to my car some scum bag had keyed the tailgate on my ute. My car is only 12 months old so it pissed me off immensely.  I'm hoping I can buff most of the scratch out but we will have to see.

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