Last week was really varied with work. I did a whole range of things. One day I bored holes in the ground, which I later concreted and then sat a transportable building on, I also dug a hole in solid rock for a small pumping station to go in. It was a tedious job because even with our rock breaker I was only able to dig down in 200mmm layers. Very slow when you have to dig 1.8 meters deep! It was a bit of an odd week too because its almost starting to warm up but the rain is still being a pain.

The weekend was good. Really good. Domi and I hung out Friday night and were both pretty stuffed so watched the Aussie rules football finals as well as on of the first American NFL Games for the season. I really enjoy watching the NFL, its brings back all kinds of good memories from my times in America. All I needed was a Dr Pepper and half a dozen of my loud relatives around me and I would feel like I was back there.
Saturday as usual was spent tidying up the house. I worked meticulously outside on the lawns and the gardens and by the end of the day the whole place looked great. I was going to take photos but as usual forgot. I planted some plants out in the front garden and even though I thought they were weeds they have now grown, greened and flowered... bonus!
Good good friends of ours, Steve and Bridie just moved into their new home so we were off round there Saturday night for a first look and a early small house warming (lukewarm). We ate pizza drank and got very merry. The girl and I both felt horrible the next day but it was definitely worth it. There was some hilarious photos taken of the girls on the make shift dance floor.
We started Sunday really ridiculously slowly and drug ourselves out of bed to watch the movie U571. After that the day picked up a little. We shopped at Marion for a present for my mum for her Birthday, Domi finished some of her paintings and I watched a lot of TV.
We had dinner with my family that night for my mums birthday and the food was fantastic but the first beer lasted me most of the night. Bloody hang over. I'm getting to old to drink this much.